love the Maker // love the made.
Listen here, there are some things we need to talk about. There are antics that need outing, hurts that need holding, and lessons that need learning.
And in all of this, there is gospel hope to be had. It’s all around us if we would not just look but be able to truly see.
the gift of the wild.
the call of the K I N G.
Scrambling up tree branches. Dipping into sun-kissed swimming holes. Feeling the bare ground beneath your feet. The wild calls each one of us, Scripture is filled to the brim with it, and it whispers and shouts all of it’s tales of the mighty Maker.
Our family is learning to love creation together with a spirit of exploration, a dash of awe, and a whole lot of shenanigans. Join our adventures, both big and small, and find your own along the way.
each for the other.
the call of a S A V I O R .
I’ve had some of the most beautiful friends over the years spark my weary heart with the truth of the gospel, sometimes without even knowing it. They have wept with me, cheered for me, sat in silence with me, prayed with me. I’ve learned so much as these kind-hearted companions have shared their stories and their lives with me, and their words of hope trickle into my own story.
God gives us Scripture, that we might know Him more throughout the story of time. He gives us Jesus, to see what the truest kind of love actually looks like with skin on. And then God tells us to be like that, and he gives us each other for the long journey ahead and promises that He will be with us until the very end.
Let this be a place where where story is not just shared, but treasured. Where we look and find the fingerprints of the Maker pressed into our molded hearts.

“‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
-Matthew 12:30-31