

give it time

P O S S I B I L I T Y . In our yoga practice the other night, that was our central theme, and it’s funny how just that single word can stir a sense of thrill, of anticipation. I’m learning about myself that I love to dream, to cast a vision and chase after it with people. I’m also learning to prioritize what I chase, even if it means letting some other possibilities go. The other word I’ve found myself thinking on more has just three letters but a huge spark - Y E T. It’s such a beautiful word because it delays a possibility, it doesn’t kill it. It gives you the option to preserve that dream, to pace yourself, to recognize your limits AND your dreams at the same time.

Y E T feels like a head-in-the-clouds-feet-on-the-ground kind of word. It’s been a word with such healing too, especially in our homeschooling. My daughter wants to be amazing at everything she does, and I love that about her. Sometimes it all falls apart for her though when she can’t do something the very first time. “I can’t do this!” she’ll cry with exasperation. And with as much light-hearted kindness as I can muster I will simply reply, “…yet.” I’ll remind her that it’s something new that she’s never learned before, and it’s ok to not know. I’m still learning new things everyday, which is part of what I love about homeschooling.We learn together, we all teach each other, and nobody has ever “finished”. My daughter knows more piano riffs and origami folds and facts about American history than I do (looking at you, Hamilton), and I love that. I will unashamedly celebrate that with her despite my own lack of knowledge since after all, I just don’t know it… yet.


the middle kid and a king.


under the overpass.